CCC #8/9: Running On Empty

Hey there, YNS pals-o-mine! Long time, no see. I missed last month’s CCC due to spring break travels and my poor time management skills. I really don’t want to miss my FAVORITE post of the month of any website in the whole worldwide web (do you know how vast that is, and thus how much I love being able to have this oh-s0-fabulous forum? Of course you do, because – as evidenced by the fact that you’re reading this – you are a person of good breeding, intelligence, and impeccable taste). But sometimes life does intervene. Thus, I’ve named this CCC # 8/9 because it’s actually my 8th CCC post, but the 9th month we’ve been doing this. Next month will be the 10th, as scheduled, and we’ll pretend this little hiccup was but a bad dream.

You dig? I know you do. ๐Ÿ™‚

Anywho! Where was I? The title of my post is “Running On Empty.” Makes you think of that Jackson Browne song, does it not? (By the way – that rumor that he beat Daryl Hannah in the early ’90s? It’s apparently just that: a nasty rumor. I’ve done the internet research. Just sayin’.) My actual reference, however, is of one most of us are all too familiar with: a complete and total lack of energy.

I gotta tell you, folks, I’m pooped. As you read this, I’m packing up for a trip to St. Paul, Minnesota. My youngest son has a major surgery scheduled for Thursday, April 19th. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it here or not, but Carter – my 7 year old – has cerebral palsy. This week, he is undergoing what’s known as a SEMLS: a single event, multi-level surgery. He is having five operations at once, with a team of surgeons devoted to each leg. Basically, his bones are twisted and he’s being taken apart from the waist down and put back together again, with a few rods and metal pieces inserted, for good measure. A year from now, those pieces will be removed, assuming that all goes as expected and his young skeleton starts growing as corrected. After the surgery, he will be in casts from the knees down for 5-6 weeks. We will be involved in intensive physical therapy to recuperate and improve for the next year or so. The hope is that Carter will walk straighter, be able to gain more strength, and use less energy as he does so, thereby increasing his stamina.

In the meantime, though, Mama is fried. I have to admit it. Both emotionally and physically, I’m at the end of my tether. The only thing keeping me going is habit and caffeine. Which brings me to the topic of my card for this post…

I used the brand new Ellie Loves Latte set, with a sentiment from the new Hot Stuff Mug set. Is it just me, or do we stampers LOVE a good coffee and/or tea set? Seriously. EVERY single stamp company in the bidness seems to have multiple stamps dedicated to the humble cup o’ joe. Of course, none of them are as cute as sweet little Ellie sipping from her domed cup, or as versatile as the all-occasion Hot Stuff Mug set, but still. They’re ubiquitous. As DeAndre Cole on Saturday Night Live might sing, “What Up With That?”

I think I might know the answer. Coffee (or tea, depending on your preference) offers not only the promise of a little pick me up, but warmth. And if you happen to be like me and in the habit of having a cup or two first thing in the morning, it also becomes a symbol of the promise of a new day. A fresh chance to get all of the things on your to-do list accomplished and to right the wrongs or half-assedness of days gone by. One more chance to be productive and be the you you’ve always intended to be. In some weird way, coffee = hope.

So, really, it’s no wonder I’m always up for another cute coffee and/or tea set. I suppose as long as I’m stamping, I always will be. Because I’m an optimist, and where there’s coffee? There’s another opportunity to get things right. Even in the most busted-up of situations – like having your 7 year old endure a series of operations that should never be necessary in the first place – there’s always a cup of coffee nearby, to soothe and stimulate your worn-out soul. I take comfort in that.

How about you? Are you a coffee or tea lover? Which and why? Leave me a comment between now and midnight EST on Tuesday the 24th, and you could be the lucky winner of a random drawing for Ellie Loves Latte, free o’ charge. Beats a poke in the eye with a sharp stick (or a SEMLS), don’t it?

And in the meantime, if you’re the praying or positive-vibe-sending type, say/send an extra one for my little guy, Carter, would you? I’d be ever so grateful.

See you next month on the 18th.

xo – Carole

What Up With That?



  1. 1
    Linda Monroe says:

    Hi Carole,
    What a great post. I will be praying for your little guy’s surgery. It sounds like quite an ordeal, but one that offers significant hope for an improved lifestyle. It really is amazing what we can do in medicine now and it makes me really happy that my 18 year old son is going off to college next year to study biomedical engineering. He hopes to work on things that can be used in medicine that will bring healing and improved life. As for your card, how adorable is this? This is one of the cutest coffee/tea images out there. Me? I’m a coffee drinker, but I love a good cup of tea as well. Thanks for posting and I hope that caffeine in kicks in and gives you the omph you need to take care of your family during this surgery and recovery time.

  2. 2
    JLJ Designs says:

    Wishing you the best for the surgery! I’m not a coffee or tea drinker. It it’s a warm drink, probably hot chocolate. Otherwise, diet coke!


  3. 3
    Lawren says:

    Good Luck for the surgery!
    What a cute cute card.

  4. 4

    Hi Carole! First of all, many prayers for Carter and your family during his surgery and recovery time. Bless his heart! I am very new to this stamp company. Saw the stamps used on a blog I follow and decided to follow this blog to see what it was all about. I love this Ellie and her coffee/tea cup she is holding. She looks adorable with her boots. The set you used with it looks like a must have too. Love all the mugs and cute little sentiments. You made a beautiful happy card! I’ve never heard of coffee/tea associated with hope and renewal but I have to agree with you. Coffee starts my day and has taken me through some very ruff times (sometimes a boost of hot tea in the afternoon as well). It comforts me and makes me happy. I associate it with warmth and happiness totally. Wishing you strength in your days ahead, warmth from you cup of joe, and sending you a big hug. You will be in my thoughts.

  5. 5
    Shari says:

    Carole, I always love reading your posts and thsi one is no different. Sending you manny well wishes and thoughtful prayers for Carter’s surgery, hope all goes the way you wish =) Now on to you questions, I am a COFFEE person! the reason is simple, it is all my parents fault! LOL. Growing up we lived in the country and the water was from a well and , well it was not too pretty to drink from the tap (well before bottled water ya know) and my parents ALWAYS had a pot of coffee brewed and in a thermos so when I was old enough and you were thirsty you grabbed a cup-o-joe! so that is why I am a coffee person =) thanks fo rhte chance to win the fab stamp, she is too cute!

  6. 6
    Sue D says:

    No wonder you are tired. Will definitely be praying for a good outcome from this procedure.
    I like the layout and colors on your card.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  7. 7
    Cheryl L. says:

    Praying for the surgery to go smoothly and for a quick recovery! Very nice card! I love the colors you used, and the embossed background. I am more of a hot chocolate kind of chick, but drink coffee once in a while!

  8. 8
    Chocscrap says:

    Carole you are a fantastic example of strength and determination as you carry out your motherly duties and still take the time to create a wonderful card for your dedicated scrapbook/card followers. Hats off to you! I am a tea drinker and recently have been on a search for stamps that pertain to tea rather than coffee. As I drink my tea tomorrow, I will be praying for Carter and sending positive thoughts your way. As you travel along this portion of the highway of life, may your obstacles/detours be few and you reach the destination of recovery quickly!

  9. 9
    Kelli Hull says:

    I just LOVE YOU!!! Seriously… If a cup of coffee would help Carter I would be sending you a BILLION Cups of joe!!!! That little guy AND his family …. THE BIGGEST TROOPERS KNOWN!!! Seriously…. I feel like crying and hugging you just reading your post as I can NOT imagine having to go through this and watching your precious lil guy go through it!!! BREAKS MY HEART!!!! BUT… if he is like other apples and their known ability to fall close to the tree… that Carter is going to kick some MAJOR BOOTAY!!!! I’m picturing Carter with Arnie Quads from toting those casts around…. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    HUGS ASS KJ HUGS!!!!!!

  10. 10
    Julie E says:

    I am a tea drinker – decaffinated weak tea!
    You may be tired, but I know that you have lots of energy! I will keep Carter in my thoughts – may he have a speedy recovery.

  11. 11
    Tanya says:

    Oh my goodness…you have a lot on your plate right now. My heart just broke reading your post, I can’t even imagine what you are going through. My thoughts and prayers will be with Carter as he undergoes surgery and also with you. Big cyber (((hugs))) for you! Your card is just adorable and I just love this image! I’d have to say I’m more of a coffee drinker…my daughter works at Starbucks=) Tho I drink diet hot chocolate every morning with my breakfast, lol. You take-care and try to get some rest!!!

  12. 12
    Anonymous says:

    prayers being sent your way for a very successful surgery, uneventful post op period with low pain levels.

    I don’t drink coffee or tea but i do love your card. The stamp is so cute.


  13. 13
    Veronica Z says:

    Carole, I will pray for a succesful surgery and for the speedy recovery of your son.

    Your card is SO SO cute!



  14. 14
    ~ Jo ~ says:

    Hi Carole,
    Sending prayers your way for a speedy recovery from surgery and a very successful surgery…. I love your card, it’s so pretty! As for me, I’m a tea drinker but that is very seldom. =)

  15. 15
    Trisha says:

    Just adorable card. Love this new stamp and the pretty, pretty colors that you used. Wishing you success with your son’s surgery and well wishes to your whole family. patnbobcuddy at gmail dot com

  16. 16
    rlovew says:

    Adorable card- I tend to drink hot chocolate the most but prefer tea to coffee if those are the choices I have. I remember as a middle school student going to a friends house many afternoons and helping with her chores and then sitting and talking over a cup of tea.

  17. 17
    Maylee says:

    Sending prayers your way Carole for your son’s surgery. May all goes well and speedy recovery.

    Your card is adorable!

  18. 18

    Oh how I missed you, Carole! You absolutely see life the way I try to and I LOVE that! I pray for Carter’s speedy and safe recovery – bless his heart and God love his amazing mom! And do I understand clinging to habit AND caffeine, especially during hectic stressful times like you are going through. I love both coffee and tea but coffee is my hands down fave-the smell, the taste, the warmth – I can NOT start my morning without my big cuppa joe!

  19. 19

    I truly hope the surgery went well. I’m sending all my positive vibes your way and best wishes.
    I always enjoy reading your posts and your card with Ellie is lovely.
    All the best {hugs}!

  20. 20
    Christine says:

    Hope the surgery went well. God blessed you when he picked you as Carter’s mom.

    I’m not a coffee drinker – only Pepsi – but the way that Ellie is holding that cup makes me want to have a sip. It is so cute.

  21. 21
    TracyP says:

    Great card. I absolutely love the stamp.

  22. 22

    Card is sooo cute !!!

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